The sequel to 2005's Urban Shaman pits beat cop and reluctant shaman Joanne Walker (real name Siobhan Walkingstick) against her deadliest foe yet: an ancient serpentine spirit bent on crossing over into modern day Seattle not to order an iced mocha latte from Starbucks but to take over the world! Just a few months after meeting the Native American trickster god Coyote and grudgingly agreeing to become a shaman it was either that or death! Walker is still coming to grips with her paranormal abilities. But when she discovers the body of a dead woman in a University of Washington shower room, she's thrust into a potentially apocalyptic adventure that revolves around a good hearted coven trying to raise a seemingly benevolent spirit from the netherworld. But as the rituals intensify, Walker realizes that the 3,000 year old entity isn't exactly on a mission of peace.
Characters: Joanne Walker, Gary, Coyote, Cernunnos
Place: Seattle
Books of Walker Papers series:
1 | 2